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Jon Fleischman

What are Tony Strickland and GOP Volunteer Leaders saying about Jon Fleischman?

I’m running for Vice Chairman, South, of the State GOP.  Here are some thoughts from some prominent supporters:

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"Jon Fleischman is a leader in the California Republican Party. Please join me in supporting him for Vice Chairman, South"
Tony Strickland, GOP Nominee for State Controller

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"As State Chairman of the California Republican National Hispanic Assembly I feel that it is paramount that we have a strong leadeship team for this state in preparation for the future of our party.  2008 will be an important election nationally, and here in California.  It is an important time to have great leaders like Jon Fleischman on the Board of the CRP.  I enthusiastically support Jon for South Vice Chairman,  and encourage all the southern chapters to do like wise."
Jim Lopez, Chairman, California Republican National Hispanic Assembly*

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"California College Republicans in the Southern Region proudly support Jon for Southern Vice-Chair. As a prominent alumnus, Jon realizes the importance of growing the next generation of the Republican Party."
Mason Harrison, Chairman of the California College Republicans

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"Jon is respected throughout the California GOP for his tireless commitment to Republican principles.  We would all be well served having someone of Jon’s caliber on the Party’s Board of Directors."
Gavin Hachiya Wasserman, President, Japanese American Republicans.*

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"The YRFC was the first group to endorse Jon Fleischman – and we did it without hesitation.  I can think of no one better to serve in this position than Jon.  We urge you to join with us in working hard for his election."
Matthew Harper, Chairman, Young Republican Federation of California

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"I’ve endorsed Jon because I know he cares about the GOP, and because of his decades of volunteer activism for our Party."
Mary Humphrey, Leader, California Federation of Republican Women*

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"Jon’s involvement in California Republican politics is impressive, and the relationships and friendships he has forged working in the trenches will serve him well as our next Vice-Chairman, South.  I am proud to support Jon for this important post."
Larry Greenfield  – Director, Republican Jewish Coalition of California*

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"As Republicans, we support Jon because he is dedicated to the GOP.  As Attorneys, we endorsed Jon because we know that he is smart about the way that he approaches politics.  The CRLA encourages all CRP members to support Jon!"
Steve Baric, President, California Republican Lawyers Association

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"When Jon was Executive Director of the CRP, he performed admirably for the Party.  The CRA has endorsed Jon because we know he cares about the Party, and about our principles and our volunteers."
Mike Spence, President, California Republican Assembly

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"As your last elected Vice Chairman South, I know Jon has what it takes to do well in this position. His election would be a home run!"
Keith Carlson, Treasurer, California Republican Party

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Finally, I am very pleased to have the support of my friend and fellow blogger Steve Frank:

"I have worked closely with Jon for nearly two decades on California Republican Party and public policy.  Throughout that time, Jon has always proven himself as a leader, and someone fiercely dedicated to the success of the GOP.  Importantly, Jon is a self starter.  As a former CRP Board Member myself, I know Jon is qualified and fully support his election as Vice Chairman, South."
Steve Frank, Publisher, CA Political News & Views

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* – Indicates that a title is for identification purposes only.