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Brandon Powers

GOP Gets Slaughtered Among Election Day Voters

The ever informative Target Book just sent one of their “Hot Sheet” emails to subscribers. In it, a fascinating bit that seems to dovetail nicely on Mike Spence’s CRP Reform piece this morning…

The Target Book segmented the results in absentee voting versus Election Day voting. With our $20 million GOTV “juggernaut” in place, let’s take a look at how the votes went down.

In the LG Race:

Among Absentee/Mail voters:
McClintock: 49.5
Garamendi: 44.6

(A 4.9% edge)

As I reported at the time, Tom was up before Election Day hit.

But among Election Day voters:
McClintock: 41.1
Garamendi: 53.1

(A 12% deficit)

16.9% in the LG Race (it was 16.8 in the Gov race). That’s the swing. Something went wrong, and we’d be foolish if serious efforts weren’t made to figure out what did.