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Jon Fleischman

Donna Arduin’s New Gig; How Arnold can maximize his trip today to Mexico City

Many may remember Donna Arduin as Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first Director of Finance for the State of California.  Arduin came into the Schwarzenegger Administration with a track record of being a strong conservative, well versed on budgetary and finance matters, and lived up to her reputation.  Arduin, who had been heading up Florida’s equivalent office for Governor Jeb Bush, had come out to be part of Team Arnold’s original transition after the recall election, and then agreed to stay on for a period of time.

After the first year of the Schwarzenegger Administration, Arduin left California to return home to quiet Tallahassee, Florida, which she calls home.  She partnered up with famed economist Arthur Laffer in a consulting firm, and has been loving life.  Donna keeps up on California politics by reading this website, and has written a couple of columns for us!

Today, it is being reported by the St. Petersberg Times that Donna is now a consultant to the new Speaker of the Florida Statehouse, Marco Rubio.  Rubio has been making headlines as a new ‘up and comer’ in GOP circles because of his drive, passion and charisma.  Of course, in Florida, you have two legislative bodies that are overwhelmingly Republican, AND a Republican Governor (GOP Attorney General was elected Governor to succeed Jeb Bush who is retiring from office — thanks to term limits.)

Congratulations, Donna, on your new post.  While it is great news for you, it is even better news for the people of Florida.  Donna is all aces, and she is passionate about trying to root out waste and seek efficiency in state government.

The Associated Press is reporting that Governor Schwarzenegger will be flying to Mexico City today to attend the Inauguration of newly (barely) elected Mexican President Felipe Calderon.  This is probably a good idea.  Mexico is our neighbor, and a substantial trading partner.  That having been said…  The Mexican government in the past has taken outrageously strong stands against United States’ efforts to protect our own borders, and our desire to be able to affirmatively control who does and who does not come into America.  Most recently, outgoing President Vicente Fox has been a vocal opponent of the efforts to extend the wall along the United States-Mexico border. Perhaps it is because of the vast population of Mexican nationals who reside on this side of the border — all of whom have a vote in Mexican elections.

Perhaps the Governator could make a ‘splash’ at the festivities today if he symbolically allows a Homeland Security officer of the United States Federal Government to escort and deport a Mexican citizenen who has criminally entered the U.S. BACK to their home country of Mexico.  You see, the Mexican government has been pretty opposed by any efforts here in the U.S. to stem the tide of illegal border-crossings by their citizens into California, etc.

It would be a symbolic gesture, but one that would make national news.  And to make sure that we are making a point about only illegal immigrants, the Governor should offer to bring back with him on his place a Mexican citizen who has the appropriate paperwork granted by the United States government to come here legally.

In the meantime, we will all wait to see if President Calderon announces in his inaugural address what the plans are for Mexico to provide health care for their citizens in California.  Don’t hold your breath.  We’re more likely to hear about that in Schwarzenegger’s address.

One Response to “Donna Arduin’s New Gig; How Arnold can maximize his trip today to Mexico City”

  1. Says:

    There’s no hope for Mexico but a civil war, so let ’em have it.