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Jon Fleischman

FR Welcomes Tab Berg to the FR Blog!

I am very pleased to announce that our esteemed Sacramento Area Correspodent Tom Ross now has reinforcements.  I was quite pleased when Republican strategist Tab Berg accepted my offer to come onboard with the FlashReport.  Tab and I have had a long-time relationship based on mutual respect and admiration, but admittedly over the years, Tab has been the genius behind a number of moderate Republican candidates, officeholders and campaigns — folks that I wouldn’t back in a primary in a million years.  But then, some of Tab’s clients — for example his successful Assembly candidate this cycle, Paul Cook — are quite conservative.  And as we say here at the FR, we represent the center-right to the right-right. 

[Fascinating Fact:  Tab, pictured above to the right, is a licensed whitewater river guide.]
Anyways, the reason I reached out to Tab is because he knowns and understands politics, he follows the goings on in the greater Sacramento area (his primary ‘turf’ for us) — and he has a good sense of what is relevant, and a modestly good sense of humor.
Tab’s background can be read here, but I hope that you will all join with me in welcoming Tab Berg to the FlashReport as we continue to rearrange and bolster our lineup going into this new political cycle!

You can read Tab’s first insightful post below!  WELCOME!