The first group of appointments are now out from Governor Schwarzenegger’s office since his re-election to a new term. This seems like a good time to start up the new FlashReport "Appointment Watch" Partisan Tally. We’ll do this for Judges, too. We are giving the Governor a clean slate — we’ll reset the appointment counters to zero!
Oh yes, I always like to emphasize that there are qualified individuals of all political parties to serve in positions of public trust. That having been said, how someone chooses to register gives you a quick idea of their general philosophy about politics and government.
So, here we go:
On the Appointments today, there were five Republicans and four Democrats.
Today’s Appointees:
The Governor has appointed two to the Committee on Dental Auxiliaries for the Board of Dental Examiners. Rochelle Bache of Encino, a Democrat, and Judith Forsythe of Riverside, a Republican.
The Governor has appointed seven to the San Joaquin County Fair Board, four Republicans (Nanette Martin, Victoria Salazar, Thomas Streeter and Ken Yasui) and three Democrats (Arthur Perry, Mitchell Slater, and Edmond Rishawin).
Running total since re-election:
Republicans: 5
Democrats: 4
Decline to State: 0