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Barry Jantz

Who Said the Tribes Only Support Democrats?

Brandon Powers (here and here) and Jon Fleischman (here) previously posted about the "Team 2006" Sovereign Nations PAC and the significant IEs the combined tribal effort is pursuing.  Despite Saturday’s SDUT article depicting some sort of falling out between the tribes making up the new PAC, and its impact on Tony Strickland — with one of the tribes switching its funding to John Chiang apparently (although Tony is still benefiting hugely) —  a load of other IE dollars are being spent.  

Here’s the updated 24-hour list of the most significant late IEs by Team 2006:

Guy Houston – AD 15 – $224,000
Audra Strickland – AD 37 – $121,000
Shirley Horton – AD 78 – $281,000
Bonnie Garcia – AD 80 – $392,000
Jeff Denham – SD 12 – $494,000
Tony Strickland – Controller – $940,000

Nicole Parra – AD 30 – $428,000
Nell Soto – AD 61 – $36,000
Jenny Oropeza – SD 28 – $51,000

I remember a time when nary a Republican could count on — or wanted, in some instances — any tribal support.

You can look at this one of two ways.  Either the tribes are fed up with a Democratic leadership philosophically in favor of Indian gaming, yet anti-compact and anti-business when it comes to the actual votes.  Or, more Republican legislators are willing to support Indian gaming, philosophically, than say, 10 or 15 years ago.  Look at the list, look at the relative level of "social conservatism" of those on it, look at the competiveness of the districts…and then you be the judge.

One Response to “Who Said the Tribes Only Support Democrats?”

  1. Says:

    You’ve only scratched the surface. Look at the tribal contributions by tribes to county committees as well.