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Barry Jantz

Wendell Cutting’s Wishes

Although Duncan Hunter’s late District Chief of Staff Wendell Cutting passed away in June (see FR tributes here and here), it isn’t lost on many in San Diego that — were he alive today — he would be having a very calming influence on his own school board.  The Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District election fight has grown increasingly nasty in recent weeks.  The filling of Wendell’s seat is being decided, and three other incumbents are being challenged by the district’s Faculty Association.

It seems Wendell didn’t miss a beat here, knowing full well he wouldn’t be around to weigh in.  The following missive from his brother Larry says a lot:

October 24, 2006

It is campaign season and in some races dirty tricks have reached new lows.  My late twin brother, Wendell Cutting, would be appalled at the unethical lengths the opposition to the current members of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District Governing Board is going to in order to defeat three honest, dedicated, hardworking community representatives in a nonpartisan race.

These board members – Deanna Weeks, Bill Garrett and Rick Alexander – have saved taxpayers’ money, brought new facilities to both Grossmont College and Cuyamaca College, reduced student fees, attracted excellent faculty and staff, continued to make sure that students are the number one concern and priority and have received numerous recognitions for their outstanding fiscal management.

Unfortunately, there is opposition from a group that wants a slate of candidates who wish to waste money, stop construction, and elect a rubber stamp board that will agree with higher costs to the detriment of students and quality education. Wendell would be dismayed to learn that their last-minute scare tactics seem to include lying to citizens, making irresponsible false charges and destroying signs. They have no track record of fiscal accountability or service to community college students and have NO moral foundation to be running a campaign, much less to be elected.

Wendell told me that returning Deanna, Rick and Bill to office would be the most significant educational vote District voters will make for decades to come. My other brother, Wayne, and I agree. We also agree that Arkan Somo is the best candidate to fill Wendell’s open seat. 

Please elect Deanna Weeks, Rick Alexander, Bill Garrett and Arkan Somo November 7.

Thank you,

Lawrence E. Cutting
(brother of Wendell Cutting)