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Jon Fleischman

The McTour’s First Stop – Upland!

The Chairman of the San Bernardino County Republican Party is FR friend Bill Postmus. Postmus also happens to be the Chairman of the County’s Board of Supervisors. He’s now running for County Assessor and is the prohibitive front-runner for that seat. It was Postmus who welcomed us to this GOP volunteer center in Upland.

Bill introduced GOP State Senator Bob Dutton, who thanked all of the volunteers before introducing Senator Tom McClintock…

TM: “This election is now up to you (the volunteers). We have not had this sophisticated of a voter turnout program since 1972!”

Secretary Mc Pherson thanked volunteers and stressed the importance of this election.

Kudos for this well run HQ goes to Postmus and his team, which include Diane Fedele (the local V6 field rep) , Adam Aleman, John Richardson, and Robert Eland, among others.

Many volunteers are here this morning, including “super volunteers” Christina and Jessica Sandoval, who have been personally recognized by the Governor for their amazing dedication as volunteers.

GOP Assemblyman Bill Emmerson, FR’s San Bernardino County Correspondent Brad Mitzelfelt and McStrategist Lorelei Kinder and also on hand.

We’re also pleased to have Mary McPherson joining us as the “McTour” goes down the state from here, with stops in Temecula and San Diego ahead…

One Response to “The McTour’s First Stop – Upland!”

  1. Says:

    Great post Jon! Not mentioned in the article, but much deserving of recognition is Byron Koay. Byron was a part of Governor Schwarzenegger’s policy team and was deployed to join the Upland Victory 2006 Team about a month ago. He has been a tremendous help at recruiting volunteers for the organization. Best of luck on the rest of the tour and our statewide Republican ticket!

    John Richardson