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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…Lemmings Unite!

My five-year-old daughter walked our precinct with me yesterday.  Not because mom was doing something and there was nothing else for Kayleigh to do.  Because she wanted to, thinking it would be fun.  It’s important at this point showing her the importance of civic engagement, not simply telling her it’s important.

She did have fun, having me give her the next address on the list so she could find the house.  It really cracked me up at one point — after listening to my spiel with a couple of neighbors — that she wanted me to stay down on the sidewalk, so she could make the "delivery speech" herself.  After 16 years in public office myself, should I be concerned for her future?

Just to clarify, at no point did she ask me why the Republican Party was supporting all these bonds.

My post yesterday indicated that Joel Anderson’s AD 77 opponent, upset at his lack of Party support, had apparently quit campaigning in what I called a "hissy fit."  It did evoke a response from Chris, which in a way is a further call to arms for Republicans, especially if you were not planning to walk a precinct this weekend:

A hissy fit – Come on Barry, you can do better than that.

My phone number is posted all over the place and a simple phone call would have answered any and all questions you may have had.  Nonetheless I will try to encapsulate what has happened.

You are correct in one assumption, I did approach the Speakers office to garner support for my efforts and I was told pretty much what you wrote… tough sh#*.  I understand why because the reality is I am a victim of my geography.  Never mind I am a born and raised Californian, a fiscal conservative, I believe in the safety and security of our children and communities first and foremost, a true environmentalist, and a pursuer of social justice, a believer that business is here to serve the community and not the other way around, and a staunch proponent of public education.  The fact remains that because I do not have an “R” in front of my name I do not stand a chance in Hell.  The most frustrating part is that as long as we continue to send combative neo-conservatives to the Assembly we will get nothing in return from the Democratic majority.  Anderson will get just what La Suer had… a basement office, assignments to third rate committees, and he will be little better than a tour guide for visiting high school seniors for the next 6 years…Call it a hissy fit but you cannot factually dispute anything I have stated here.

At least as a Democrat I could have had a favorable position on valuable committees, friends in decision making positions, and actually could have affected real representation in the Democratically controlled Assembly, (I am grateful that a majority of Californians have it right).  Anderson is so “anti-California majority thinking” that as big a hero he will be to his Republican handlers and supporters, he will be that big a joke and non entity in the Assembly to the majority.  Let’s face it.  Joel Anderson is another punching bag for the Democratic Majority in Sacramento.  His fate will be the same as La Suer’s and all other neo-conservatives trying to function in a blue state majority.

I gotta tell you that I was pulling for Jack Dale, after meeting and speaking with him a few times I grew to respect him and felt that he may be able to break the mold of douche bags like La Suer and Anderson.  So as disappointed I am for my never being able to win I feel worse for the lemmings that put ideology ahead of practicality. 

As far as quitting – I never quit and I will continue to remind the lemmings how obtuse their vote is with these carbon copy legislators that do nothing.  As far as the filings you quoted – I ceased to raise money for myself and instead worked fundraisers for my associates.

If you want to chat – please reply me a number and time and we can hook up – Otherwise good luck and enjoy another six years of no voice in Sacramento.

Chris Larkin

My Response to him:

Fair enough, that’s why I emailed it to you for a response, instead of not letting you know.  It’s a blog, of course (and a Republican one at that), not straight news…even rumor and political "street talk" count as blog content (as if the straight media never goes with rumor!).  But, I will always post the other side, if given the scoop.

Thanks for taking the time to spell it out, you have provided a compelling message and food for thought.


With the other niceties out of the way, I didn’t know that having a nice office was part of the reason we serve our fellow citizens.

A friend did note that the use of "douche bag" to describe Jay La Suer and Joel Anderson should have been preceded by an "Honorable."

Interesting, as well, that at every campaign stop, I’ve heard Joel talk about how he will work with Lori Saldana and Chris Kehoe if it means getting something important accomplished for San Diego.  Jay felt — and acted — the same way.  I guess unless you’re working with the Dems to push tax increases, special rights, and driver’s licenses for illegals, you’re nothing but a lemming.  Even as part of the minority, when the lemmings stick together they’ve often accomplished much in holding the line on the tax and spend policies that nearly bankrupted our state under the Dems and Gray Davis.

On another note, it does seem to me that a few other minority Party legislators relegated over the years to less than plush offices — Poochigian, McClintock, and Strickland, for instance — are in the mix as I write, and may be in a great position come Tuesday to impact this state for the better.

Please walk a precinct or do some kind of volunteer work in the next couple of days. The lemmings need you.

Have a great Sunday!

5 Responses to “Sunday San Diego…Lemmings Unite!”

  1. Says:

    Your friend is correct: As an honorific, “douche bag” should always be preceded by “The Honorable,” though the proper noun that comes after it may vary widely. However, in recent, common conversational use, most folks follow it with “Angelides,” although when referring to a federal judge, the title is omitted as redundant, somewhat like the position itself.

  2. Says:

    I’ve been in politics for 30 years and Jay LaSuer is one of the 5 most
    Honorable and decent people I’ve had the pleasure to meet.

    As a top career professional in law enforcement, and then as state
    legislator, he has served his community and State with distinction.

    He also possesses one of the admirable qualities in this business:
    he is Loyal.

  3. Says:

    Good job Barry! I had two of my kids walking with me yesterday promoting the “lemming agenda”, and helping a friend of mine, James Towle, get elected to the Santee School Board. Kids are great motivators- they don’t get tired as fast and they make it fun. I hope more people are training their kids to get involved.

  4. Says:

    For Chris Larkin to call Jay aSuer a douche bag is totally out of line. He owes every citizen in East County an apology. Mr. LaSuer is one of most honorable men I have ever met. This is one of the more classless remarks I have ever heard/seen by a candidate. Thank God that he will not be our representative in the 77th. For Chris Larkin to call himself a conservative is an insul to every conservative in East County.
    Larry Urdahl, Alpine, CA

  5. Says:

    How would you know anything about conservatives Larry, since you endorsed A bunch of Liberals yourself this election. I heard you renounced the Republican party. If so, that is the best thing that could have happened for our party. After all, you and Chris endorsed the same people.