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Jon Fleischman

Sacramento Readers: Come meet FR Publisher Jon Fleischman tomorrow – before he ‘takes on’ Speaker Fabian Nunez and the President of the League of CA Cities!

I don’t know if there are any more seats available for what will certainly be a ‘must see’ event in Sacramento tomorrow — but FR Publisher Jon Fleischman will be one of three participants on a panel about the Big Bang Bonds package entitled, "California’s Future: What’s At Stake This November"  — the other two panelists – Assembly Speak Fabian Nunez and Maria Alegria, the President if the League of California Cities.  Nunez, of course, supported all of the bonds and voted for them — Alegria’s League of Cities has endorsed the entire infrastructure package as well.  Moderating the ‘discussion’ will be Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy Institute of California, which is co-sponsoring this event along with the New America Foundation (longtime FR friend Dave Lesher is their California guy).  The event is at the downtown Sacramento Sheraton from Noon – 1:30pm, and here is a link to the info. 

I’ll be more than happy to report back on how this goes.  But for any FR readers who want to come meet me down at the Sheraton (1230 J Street) with their advice, or just to see if I really exist, I will plan on being down in the lobby bar area of the Sheraton from 10:30am – 11:30am.  If you’re around – come on over and introduce yourself!
