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Congressman John Campbell

City of Irvine

OK, so as a member of Congress, I don’t often write about local city council races. But,  I cannot sit by and watch my city councilwoman Christina Shea (pictured to the right) be so unjustly attacked by the left.

As a resident of Irvine for over 28 years, I can tell you that Christina has represented this city with honesty, integrity and dedication over many years. She has no agenda other than to serve Irvine’s residents ably in the future as she has in the past. She has been too often a lonely but needed voice for integrity and reason in the operation of Irvine’s government. A voice that some powerful interests seem determined to silence.

I’m going to vote for her. If you live in Irvine, I hope you will too.

One Response to “City of Irvine”

  1. Says:

    Thanks for that plug Congressman. We also need John Duong for Mayor and Bill Mavity for Council elected.