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Jon Fleischman

Strickland Up By Two

Today the Strickland for Controller campaign released that their own internal tracking numbers on his race show that Strickland is now enjoying a 2% lead among likely voters — a four point swing from a little over a week ago when his Democrat opponent, John Chiang, was up by a similar margin.  Of course, this illustrates exactly how close this race truly is — with momentum being an inportant issue.

Speaking of momentum, this latest bit of good news for Strickland comes as he is enjoying the front-end of a major, multi-million dollar independent expenditure on his behalf by Indian Tribes and other interests who clearly do not want to see the liberal Chiang in this important office.  While Strickland ‘face time’ on the tube is going up, Chiang has had to cancel significant portions of his own statewide media buy — apparently his resources are lacking.

On a final note, according to the Strickland survey, 93% of Republican voters said they plan to vote, up from 86% a week ago.  This is compared to only 86% of Democrats who said they plan to vote. 

With Arnold Schwarzenegger trouncing Phil Angelides by as much as 20 points, the FR predicts the Democrat turnout may be even lower…