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Jon Fleischman

FR readers speaks up on Nancy Pelosi

Loyal FR friend and reader Mike German (pictured) ran against Nancy Pelosi at the GOP nominee in 2002.  He sent in this tidbit about Nancy Pelso, which I wanted to share with you:

"I shake my head in disbelief every time some pundit or reporter newly tells "the Pelosi story."  Leslie Stahl came close to getting at her true nature last week on 60 Minutes, but only scratched the surface.  Well, maybe she did a good job after all, because surface is all there is with Li’l Nancy.
Other than a talent for fundraising, and the occassional clever soundbite – somebody, quick, supply me with her last uniquely humorous one! – Pelosi simply hasn’t done much other than serve as the Demos’ Cassandra against the GOP.  She’s never really authored any legislation of note, but then which Democrat has in the last two years?  Likewise her dearth of new ideas.  Her only consistency seems to be a lockstep loyalty to the union bosses who periodically took her onto their laps as a youngster while she learned ward politics, Bawlimer-style.  Small wonder, then, that she reveres the position of  children so much.
So exactly what DOES she do?  Perhaps she currently best fills the one role Demo dames do so well:  the untamed shrew.  Billary does the same in the Senate.  Between them they serve as surrogate scolds for women not yet empowered enough to take their husbands/lovers/significant others/exes to task.  Feeling dumped on by the old man but just can’t seem to find the nerve to shout back?  Turn on the boob tube and let Hill or Nancy – or both if you’re having a really bad day – do the dirty work while you sob and sort the laundry.  Glass ceiling got you down?  Pour yourself another Margarita and let these two take you south of the borders that bind you.
Maybe this also explains why this duo finds such strong support among liberal gay men, which is to say, unfortunately, most gay men.  Sisterhood is powerful or, as a conservative might put it, misery loves company."

Well said, Michael.