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Jon Fleischman

CA GOP Congressman Duncan Hunter to Announce Presidential Bid!

Thirteen-term conservative Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter of San Diego County (pictured to the left), with the backdrop of the U.S.S Midway aircraft carrier behind him, is expected tomorrow at 11 a.m. to announce an exploratory effort at a potential bid for the 2008 Republican Party nomination for President of the United States.  Hunter is currently serving as Chairman of the Armed Services Committee of the United States House of Representatives.

Hunter told FoxNews today that tomorrow he will, “make an announcement about a national campaign in 2008."

We will look forward to tomorrow.  Duncan Hunter is a stand-up guy, and brings a lot to the table.

[Note:  Our friend will be sad that he is missing out on this.]

One Response to “CA GOP Congressman Duncan Hunter to Announce Presidential Bid!”

  1. Says:

    This is a very interesting development.

    I greatly admire Cong. Hunter with whom I worked in 1987 to create the political plan that ultimately led to the successful creation of Israel’s Arrow anti-tactical ballistic missile. Cong. Hunter is a Vietnam combat veteran (the real deal, he was an infantry platoon leader) and he is serious about border security issues.

    Very interesting indeed.

    All the best,

    Chuck DeVore
    State Assemblyman, 70th District