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Mike Spence

Media Double Standrard Apparant in LA Labor leaders death

A Republican behind the scenes big wig dies in a seedy place later raided for prostitution and there are lots of unanswered questions about what happened when he died.

Where would you read about?

Everywhere is the right answer and it would be at least two-three days on the cable shows.

That same story actually happened to Democrat LA Labor boss Miguel Contreras. The story gets published only in the LA Weekly. See it here. Then the target becomes the LA Weekly. See article here and then here.

Now, I’m not sure it is in the interests of the Republic to reveal all of this. It definitely isn’t good for the family etc.. But we all know what would have happened if Contreras had been a powerful GOP Leader.

2 Responses to “Media Double Standrard Apparant in LA Labor leaders death”

  1. Says:

    Thank you Mike. Its nice to know that the truth (at least some of it) eventually comes out.

  2. Says:

    Come to think of it, do you have any thoughts on who was really behind the rise and fall of a certain disgraced Dem?