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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: LG Debate: McClintock Challenges Garamendi Over Executive Life

Tom McClintock and John Garamendi went head-to-head for the second time in a one-hour debate before the San Francisco Chronicle Editorial Board on Monday.  The debate was filmed at KPIX-TV.   (Watch it here.)

Executive Life, the Enron-type scandal that has haunted John Garamendi for more than 15 years, triggered a lively discussion between McClintock and Garamendi in the final 10 minutes of the debate.  It’s really worth watching… Emmy award-winning political reporter Hank Plante asked the last question of the candidates, and it was about the Executive Life commercials that have been running statewide featuring Sue and Vice Watson.  

[See Hank Plante’s video story on the debate here.]

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: LG Debate: McClintock Challenges Garamendi Over Executive Life”

  1. Says:

    Great summary, Jon! Something else that should be noted is that Garamendi’s behavior was reminiscent of Al Gore’s performance during the presidential debates in 2000. He grinning peevishly and making childish faces at the audience, all in an effort to ridicule McClintock as he spoke.

    The clear winner of the debate was McClintock, not only because he dominated with his knowledge of public policy, but because he came across as a no-nonsense statesman with a vision for the future.

  2. Says:

    Somebody should get you a file and link for the ad that Dean Andal ran years ago against Patty Garamendi just for the entertainment value at this point of the campaign!