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Jon Fleischman

Which blogs do you read to follow CA politics?

The FR is revamping our Blog Roll and so I need to get some input from readers on which blogs to go to that carry items of interest to those following California politics, from the Right, the Center or the Left.  Here is a list I am starting with (red is from the right, blue is from the left, black is from the center):

  • Alliance for a Better CA
  • California Observer
  • Calitics
  • Cal Races
  • Cal’s Policy Inbox
  • CalVoter
  • CA Majority Report
  • CA Pol News & Views
  • CA Progress Report
  • CC Times Politics
  • FlashReport
  • KQED’s Capitol Notes
  • LATimes Political Muscle
  • New West Notes
  • OC Blog
  • OC Register Punch
  • OC Reg Total Buzz
  • SacBee’s Insider
  • SDUT America’s Finest
  • SF Chron Politics
  • SJ Merc On Politics
  • Stock Rec Shaw
  • Vent Star Politics

Note that I am not including blogs from political parties or from candidates.  Please suggest others.  Thanks.