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Jon Fleischman

FR releases Ballot Proposition Recommendations

On the November Ballot, California voters are going to have a chance to make a loud statement about spending.  On the ballot are nine different ballot measures that together would increase government spending in the Golden State by epic proportions.
Today we are featuring the FlashReport’s 2006 General Election Ballot Proposition Voter Guide where we have tapped Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard (pictured to the right) to assist us in walking FR readers through our recommendations for the November ballot measures.
Of course, we strongly recommend casting nine strong NO votes against the NINE SPENDING MEASURES on the ballot — Propositions 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 84, 86, 87, 88, and 89.
If these measures are all rejected by California voters, and we send a strong team of Republicans, including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom McClintock, to Sacramento occupying statewide offices, we will send the strongest possible message to the politicians in Sacramento that the $100,000,000,000++ (that is one hundred BILLION plus plus) that they get in tax revenues each year is all they are going to get out of California taxpayers.
There are four measures on the ballot worth a YES vote, but we’ll let you read the Ballot Guide for all of the details…
Last Friday the FlashReport broke the news that Cruz Bustamante had pulled most of his media buys around the state.  Today over on the LAT Political Muscle Blog, Bob Salladay is reporting that two Indian Tribes with gaming facilities have just moved four million dollars into a PAC for use in the next few weeks…with GOP candidate for Controller Tony Strickland expected to be a large beneficiary of their plans…  See that story linked on the main page.
Have a great day!

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