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Jon Fleischman

Micromanager Phil and Shredding Machine Paper

Stories about Phil Angelides’ extreme micro-management leak out from time to time, and whenever they do, they really make you want to scratch your head.  You want to say to yourself, "Who does that?"

I cannot miss the opportunity to share with you another vintage anecdotal story from the files of ‘Micromanager Phil’ — which was buried in a Los Angeles Times story today:

Angelides has a mixed reputation for his personal style. Although praised as diligent and dedicated, he is known as a micromanager who demands much, often dwells on minutiae and is demanding of subordinates.

Since January, Angelides has shed half a dozen high-level political consultants, several of whom said privately that they were driven away by the candidate’s overbearing control. Once, when staffers were choosing a shredder for the office, two sources said, Angelides — then traveling on the East Coast — insisted that aides express mail him samples of minced paper to make sure they were sufficiently pulverized.

And this guy wants to be Governor?  Riiight.  Seems like he could totally occupy all of his time rearranging the office supplies in the desk of his home office, which he will have plenty of time to do come election day…

At this point, even the more liberal ideologues in the Democrat Party have to be wondering how they ended up in this predicament — with an uninspiring, qwerky and socially awkward candidate….