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Jon Fleischman

Jerry Brown an “Attorney In Name Only”? Will Judge dump him off ballot?

3pm Update: I have now attached Dec Relief and P&A’s (for you lawyer types)
2pm Update:  I have now attached the filing.

Today a group of attorneys has filed suit to try and have Jerry Brown disqualified as a candidate for State Attorney General.  Apparently, according to Adam Abrahms, a state board member of the California Republican Lawyers Association and a plaintiff in this action along with fellow GOP attorneys Tom Del Becarro, Mark Pruner, David Prince and Carl Burton, the law requires that you may not qualify as a candidate for the office, “unless he shall have been admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the state for a period of at least five years immediately preceding his election or appointment to such office.”

FR friend Tom Del Becarro, who is Chairman of the Contra Costa County Republican Party and also was elected by California’s 58 GOP County Chairmen to serve as President of the State Association of County Chairmen, is also a plaintiff in the case and has been doing heavy lifting to get the case together and filed today.

Tom has his own website, Political Vanguard, and makes the moral and legal case for this suit in a column he penned today.  I suggest you check it out.

Abrahms told me when we spoke that right around the time that Brown was readmitted to the Bar a few years ago was when he first remembers Brown talking about running for Attorney General.  It seems like maybe Brown is an "attorney in name only" — which would technically be legal except that Brown apparently waited too long to file his bar paperwork.

Here is a statement released by Brown’s opponent, State Senator Chuck Poochigian, on this matter:

"Fidelity to the law is imperative for the individual who holds the office of California Attorney General.  A serious question has been raised regarding Jerry Brown’s failure to meet the legal requirements specified by state law to be a candidate for Attorney General.  Hopefully, today’s lawsuit will settle the question."
"Jerry Brown has been on inactive status as an attorney 10 of the past 14 years.  He will have the opportunity to explain why he believes Californians should ignore the basic qualifications of the office he seeks." 
"Neither Jerry Brown’s political pedigree nor his sense of entitlement can help him resolve this problem.  He is not above the law, and it is in the public interest to have this important issue resolved by the courts now."

We’ll keep on this story and let you know how it develops..

One Response to “Jerry Brown an “Attorney In Name Only”? Will Judge dump him off ballot?”

  1. Says:

    Attorneys suing attorneys!! I LOVE IT!!