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Jon Fleischman

Arnold’s Judges – and a Guide to who appointed Appellate Court Judges on the November Ballot

Thanks to a heads-up with some stats courtesy of the Office of the Governor, we can compare some judicial appointment statistics based on party registration of the appointees:

Here are numbers on appointments for the past three years — of course the Governor served only part of 2004 and 2006 is not yet over.  While there is still a long way to go for our Republican Governor, his 2006 GOP % of 61 beats 2005’s dismal 52%  We’ll be hoping for even more GOP judges for 2007, but even under the watchful eye of Chief of Staff Susan Kennedy (former Executive Director of the California Democratic Party, Naral, Feinstein, blah blah) we are seeing an improvement!

Republican – 2 (33.3%)
Democrat – 2 (33.3%)
DTS – 2 (33.3%)
Total – 6 (100%)

Republican – 56 (52%)
Democrat – 42 (39%)
DTS – 10 (9%)
Total – 108 (100%)

Republican – 44 (61%)
Democrat – 20 (28%)
DTS – 8 (11%)
Total – 72 (100%)

Republican – 102 (55%)
Democrat – 64 (34%)
DTS – 20 (11%)
Total – 186

California Appellate Court Justice Election Information
Following is a list of the Supreme Court and Appeals Court Justices who must stand for election after initial appointment or have been elected in a prior election and now must stand for re-election. Other than the two Supreme Court associate justices, following the name of each appellate court justice is an indication of the California Appeals Court District where each presides and the name of the appointing Governor. Since this is a list for all of California, only the two Supreme Court justices and those justices from your appellate district will appear on your ballots. They are listed in alphabetical order for easy reference:

I should add that a Davis or Brown appointee is almost always a Democrat and a Wilson or Deukmejian appointee a Republican.  With Schwarzenegger…  I guess using the numbers above (which is more of an art than a science) you can figure that around 55% of the time it’s a GOPer…
Cynthia G. Aaron, District 4 — Davis
Richard D. Aldrich, District 2 — Wilson
Patricia D. Benke, District 4 — Deukmejian
Cole Blease, District 3 — Jerry Brown
Roger W. Boren, District 2 — Wilson
Kathleen Butz, District 3 — Davis
Candace D. Cooper, District 2 — Davis
Carol A. Corrigan, Supreme Court — Schwarzenegger
Victoria Chavez, District 2 — Schwarzenegger
Betty L. Dawson, District 5 — Davis
Wendy Clark Duffy, District 6 — Davis
Norman L. Epstein, District 2 — Deukmejian
Madeline Flier, District 2 — Davis
Arthur Gilbert, District 2 — Davis
Judith L. Haller, District 4 — Wilson
Paul R. Haerle, District 1 — Wilson
Thomas A. Harris, District 5 — Deukmejian
Brad R. Hill, District 5 — Schwarzenegger
Richard D. Huffman, District 4 — Deukmejian
Raymond J. Ikola, District 4 — Davis
Joan K. Irion, District 4 — Davis
Barbara Jones, District 1 — Wilson
Stephen J. Kane, District 5 — Schwarzenegger
Joyce L. Kennard, Supreme Court — Deukmejian
Jeffrey King, District 4 — Davis
Patti S. Kitching District 2 — Wilson
Sandy R. Kriegler, District 2 — Schwarzenegger
Robert M. Mallano, District 2 — Davis
Nora M. Manella, District 2 — Schwarzenegger
James J. Marchiano, District 1 — Wilson
Sandra Margulies, District 1 — Davis
Richard McAdams, District 6 — Davis
Judith McConnell, District 4 — Davis
William R. McGuiness, District 1 — Wilson
Art W. McKinster, District 4 — Deukmejian
Nathan D. Mihara, District 6 — Wilson
Douglas P. Miller, District 4 — Schwarzenegger
Fred K. Morrison, District 3 — Schwarzenegger
Richard M. Mosk, District 2 — Davis
Kathleen E. O’Leary, District 4 — Davis
Dennis M. Perluss, District 2 — Davis
Betty A. Richli, District 4 — Wilson
James A. Richman, District 1 — Schwarzenegger
Maria P. Rivera, District 1 — Davis
Frances Rothschild, District 2 — Schwarzenegger
Conrad L. Rushing, District 6 — Davis
Ignacio John Ruvolo, District 1 — Schwarzenegger
Tani Cantil Sakauye, District 3 — Schwarzenegger
Patricia K. Sepulveda, District 1 — Wilson
Peter Siggins, District 1 — Schwarzenegger
Steven Suzukawa, District 2 — Schwarzenegger
Thomas L. Willhite, District 2 — Schwarzenegger
Rebecca A. Wiseman, District 5 — Wilson
Fred Woods, District 2 — Deukmejian
Laurie D. Zelon, District 2 — Davis