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Barry Jantz

SD Lincoln Club Changes Brewing

San Diego Lincoln Club Executive Director Chris Niemeyer, largely responsible — with the support of his board — for taking the organization to a new level in recent years (see Duane Dichiara’s post of last December), is leaving for other pastures. I say "other," not "greener," in that my guess is Chris loves the political work, but also knows he’s capable of doing very well financially in the "real private" sector. He is right. The word is that Chris wants to take a stab at being a political donor, not just an operative.  Good for him.

I wish him very well.

The rest of the inside word is that after running through about a half-dozen applicants, the list of replacements has been narrowed to two, a Republican legislative aide in San Diego (who will remain nameless for the present), and a local political consultant (who…yeah, yeah…I gotta keep this one nameless too).

My understanding is that the Lincoln Club may make a final selection tomorrow. More to follow.

And, if I’m all wet, please feel free to throw me a towel.