What blogs do you visit to keep up on political issues in California politics? Obviously there is the FlashReport blog. But there are many others out there, and we want to make sure that we have them all. We’re getting ready to revamp the way that this website keeps track of the other blogs that cover California politics, to make it easier for our readers to monitor the ‘blogosphere’ for what else is going on, with the idea that the main page of the site right now keeps a pretty good eye on the main-stream-media, but not on political blogging. So please drop the FR a note, or post up a comment sharing any and all political blogs you visit that write on California politics. Thanks!
We are pleased to let you know that while we are still working out a few bugs, the FlashReport development team has largely finished retooling the site to make it much easier to visit using a PDA. So whether you are on a Treo or a Blackberry, please surf the site and give us your feedback. We limited the fixes to the main page, the blog page, and the commentary page. But it should be much, much easier to navigate than it was before!
Are you signed up for the FlashReport daily e-mail? Once a day, when the site is updated, the FR editors send out an e-mail letting you know — and also including all of that days news headline so you can get a fix on the top news stories even if you can’t hop onto the FlashReport right away. You can sign up for this feature right on the main page. Every once in a while, we will send out a special breaking news alert to our list. Oh yes, it is a confidential list that is NEVER given or sold to anyone else. So no on besides us (if that isn’t bad enough) has a copy of it.
Immediately after the election, we’ll be seeing some changes on the FR blogging team, with some folks stepping away and a group of new contributors coming onboard. The FR is always looking for suggestions, so please let us know if you have ideas on who should be writing for this site!
Finally, I want to extend my sincere appreciation to Nicholas Romero, who has really stepped up in his role as Managing Editor of the FR. He is doing a great job for this site, and also is making my life a lot easier! We also have great hopes for our new Guest Editor (and also LA County Correspondent) Brandon Powers. We are trying to make sure that the FR remains your consistent place to get news and analysis on California politics!
Take care,
Jon Fleischman
Publisher, The FlashReport