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Jon Fleischman

Radanovich/Feinstein, continued…

Earlier today I posted about Congressman George Radanovich’s re-election efforts — specifically expressing my dismay that the Representative prominently features Dianne Feinstein in it.  It chafes me because I believe that this kind of thing cements into the minds of voters the untrue myth that somehow Dianne Feinstein is some sort of centrist/moderate/realistic Democrat.  On the contrary, she is a flaming left wing liberal — who happens to have a good bedside manner (unlike the other California Senator, Barbara Boxer, who is better characterized as ‘strident’ or even ‘schrill’).

The piece that has caused the controversy is attached below.  Unfortunately, upon seeing it, it actually goes DIRECTLY to my point.  This mail piece actually goes out the way to make it appear that Dianne Feinstein is a moderate or even conservative Democrat, one who would work with George Radanovich.  Unlike the other Democrats on the piece, who are pretty much just as liberal as Feinstein, but are from the "shrill" camp.

Now, to be fair, this mailer went to a universe that only included Democratic voters.  Nevertheless, there really is no way for any Republican (whether it is Dick Mountjoy or anyone else) to win statewide office in California without the support of central valley Democrats.

Dianne Feinstein doesn’t deserve the boost she is getting off of Radanovich’s good name, as far as I am concerned.

In closing — I understand the tactic.  Feinstein is very popular, so why not tie the Republican Congressman to Feinstein amongst his Democratic voters.  Probably a sound tactic.  I just know that if it were me, I would not pursue this strategy — especially when the prominently featured Democrat is up for election on the same ballot!

As a realist, I know that Dick Mountjoy has a tough road to actually win this November.  But if I could draw a cartoon, I might draw one showing Radanovich stepping on Mountjoy’s face as he climbs over the wall in an obstacle course.  It just seems like bad form.

(If you can’t tell, I really, really, really don’t like the politics of our very liberal U.S. Senator, the former Mayor of San Francisco, DiFi!   I’m still waiting on a return call from either the Congressman or his consultant.  Hint: When I vent "in person" I do less of it on the blog.)

One Response to “Radanovich/Feinstein, continued…”

  1. Says:

    I do not agree with you regarding Diane Feinstein. Of our two women senators she is the only one who cares about all Californians. I believe that in 2010 California will elect a Republican Senator. The GOP has got to make some adjustments for the moderates in our state. These are not RINOS we are Republicans first. As a Catholic I choose not have my faith exploited