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Jon Fleischman

Novak moves CA Gov’s race out of tossup to retention for GOP

Nationally syndicated columnist Bob Novak, most recognizable from his many years as a co-host of CNN’s Crossfire program, follows politics pretty closely.  As a matter of fact, his Evans & Novak Political Report is a great e-mail to receive if you don’t get it already.  It’s free, so you can check it out if you want (if you aren’t wary of feeding your e-mail to him, and whomever he sells it to).  Anyways, Novak has officially placed Arnold Schwarzenegger in the "Likely Republican Retention Column" in his latest e-mail.  Here’s his chart:

Republican-Held Governorships In Play

Likely Republican Retention


Likely Democratic Takeover

Leans GOP

Leans Dem

CA (Schwarzenegger)

AK (Open)

AR (Open)

MA (Open)

CT (Rell)

GA (Perdue)

CO (Open)

NY (Open)

FL (Open)

MN (Pawlenty)

MD (Ehrlich)

OH (Open)

SC (Sanford)

NV (Open)



HI (Lingle)

RI (Carcieri)




TX (Perry)