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Majority Gets it, Wrong

Our Democrat friends over at the California Majority Report finally pulled their act together and are posting on a daily basis with what seems like some autonomy from the mother ship.  See a previous commentary by FR publisher Jon Fleischman on the subject here.

On Monday Steve Maviglio whined about how Saturday’s upcoming gubernatorial debate wasn’t going to be more of a debate style debate.

Its just the first in a series of excuses for Angelides failing campaign and what will probably be a poor debate performance for him.

The Democrats know what the voters don’t yet: Governor Schwarzenegger actually has a command of the substantive policy issues that face California today.  When the voters see the Governor answering policy questions with real answers, not just platitudes, they are going to be even more confident in his ability to lead the state.

And they are going to wonder what we need this Angelides guy for?

On a side note, the format chosen for the debate is much more valuable to the viewers that the podium standing, stop watch watching, standard issue Lincoln-Douglas debate.  When political leaders or business people or even moms and dads hash out issues, its often times done while sitting at a table and that is what the Governor and Angelides will be doing.

2 Responses to “Majority Gets it, Wrong”

  1. Says:

    “Governor Schwarzenegger actually has a command of the substantive policy issues that face California today”

    I’m not so sure that that is good thing Adam from this conservatives point of view. What exactly is he in command of?

    -Raising the minimum wage
    -putting more burdens on California businesses with his ridiculous Greenhouse Gas Bill
    -waffling on illegal immigration
    -trying to leverage our state state further into debt with his “chicken in every pot” bond scheme

    You get my point.

  2. Says:

    As a chess player, I was strictly a “wood pusher”, but I do know the 2006 California
    election is now in the “End Game.”

    In the End Game , a landslide win by Gov. Arnold at the top of the Ticket could help
    push Chuck Poochigian, Tom McClintock and Tony Strickland over the Goal Line to

    Suddenly, conservatives would have a Deep Bench at the Statewide level, from which
    to elect future Governors and US Senators.

    Barry Goldwater gave us some good advice at the 1960 GOP convention that remains
    relevant today, “Conservatives, Grow Up.”.

    What happens in the next 32 days may now be as much about 2010 as 2006. It is in
    our own interests to see that Arnold Schwarzenegger wins by the maximum margin.