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Today’s Commentary: Vote no on everything, the Founders Would be Proud

This November, there are many reasons to vote no on most of the initiatives that will be presented to California’s voters. 

Proposition 1C sells bonds for housing.  This is one where I say let the feds handle it—if they are stupid enough to keep HUD’s doors open—let them run low income housing projects.  Not only won’t we have to pay for it through bonds, but fewer and fewer people will want to live in these projects and be motivated to get out. 

Proposition 1 D sells bonds for education, didn’t we just pass one of those? 

Proposition 86 is brilliant.  Tax poor people (who make up the majority of smokers) and use the money to fund their healthcare.  The more intellectually honest approach to the health concerns that surround smoking would be to ban the practice all together.  But the left knows this would be too tough a fight—too many jobs at stake.  So they just go to the first page in their play book: if it moves, tax it.

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Vote no on everything, the Founders Would be Proud”

  1. Says:

    What a great Democrat blog: You are probably too stupid as a voter to figure all this out, so just vote NO!

    The Democrats and their union friends killed the parental notification measure last year with that pitch.

    If conservatives follow your advise, they will send it down to defeat again this year!

    Planned parenthood will be sending your blog everywhere!

  2. Says:

    John, I support parental consent and I have a high level of confidence in the electorate. However, you may have missed several of my points including a overall view of the ballot measures that if they collectively passed there would be a net negative impact on our state.

    Further, the initiative process while valuable as a political tool, subjugates the authority of the legislature–a good thing today, but bad in the long term–because while conservatives win perhaps one or two out of every ten the liberals get passed.

    I doubt that Planned Parenthood will be using my commentary and my Founders argument to benefit their cause.

  3. Says:

    Vote NO on everything? Yet in your text, you say you hope 90 passes. Well, I guess that’s covering your butt, sort of, except that your header is always read more often than the text. I guess you must not be one of the thousands of people who have a home or business tied up under threat of eminent domain, in a Redevelopment Zone. Those people have lost the security of owning their home and or business, and being part of their community. They wait for the other shoe to drop, and they live with uncertainty and the sense of betrayal, and abandonment.

    Many don’t have access to a lawyer, and if they do, the lawyer get’s a share of the settlement, for fighting for what should never have been threatened by the government in the first place.

    It could happen to you.

    Martha Montelongo
    Save Our Homes and our Communities
    Stop Eminent Domain Abuse!
    Vote Yes for Proposition 90