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Jon Fleischman

FR included in “Bloggers Briefing” with Republican House Whip Roy Blunt, CA Reps. Lungren and Royce

This afternoon I had the chance to call into a "Bloggers Briefing" being hosted by the House Republican Conference on the issue of Illegal Immigration – more specifically on border security.

The main speakers on the call were three leaders in Congress on the Illegal Immigration issue — House Republican Whip Roy Blunt of Missouri, and two Californians, Dan Lungren and Ed Royce.

Blunt (pictured to the right) opened up the call with an affirmation of the commitment of House Republicans to keep a sharp focus on border security issues.  Blunt talked about how last week the House passed a significant measure to build a lengthy stretch of fencing along the border.  He also talked about how the House passed legislation to move away from the current "catch and release" border patrol method to a "catch and return" method.  He also mentioned legislation to actually make it a federal crime to tunnel beneath our borders, which is not currently illegal.

I had an opportunity ask Representative Blunt about whether he felt that the Senate would be able to pass out these reforms about which he was speaking about on the call.  He said that he feels that the Senate, with their preparing to take up the fencing issue, is showing an understanding that we can approach the border security issue without having to tackle "comprehensive immigration reform" first. 

Congressman Dan Lungren (pictured, left) then came onto the call.  He talked about the important impact that the blogosphere’ and all of the people who attending various Congressional townhall meetings ‘back home’ – with an ongoing emphasis on three major issues — the war, spending, and the immigration problem.

"No one would have given you very good odds, only a few months ago, that a border fence vote would be considered by the United States Senate," said Lungren.

He gave credit to the members of the House of Representatives for standing firm on first securing the borders before moving on to other issues related to immigration reform.

Congressman Ed Royce (pictured, right) following, echoing Lungren’s sentiment that it has been the popular support for action on immigration issues and border security that has made all of the difference in the policy movement inside of the Capitol.

Royce spent a few minutes talking about the importance of the issue from the perspective of fighting off terrorism.  Royce has become the House’s foremost expert in understanding how terrorists have been able to make use of this country’s lax immigration laws to infiltrate our nation.

Royce said, "The Senate [Immigration] plan not the answer — it is like the 1986 amnesty plan that failed."  He articulated how one of the primary participants of the 9-11 disaster in fact benefited from the amnesty in that ’86 bill. 

Both California Congressman have held hearings on this issue as SubCommittee Chairmen.  Lungren is Chairman Lungren was very praiseful of activists and grassroots folks for their of Economic Security, Infrastructure Support and Cybersecurity Subcomittee of the Homeland Security Committee, and Royce is Chairman of the Subcomittee on Terrorism and Non-Proliferation of the House International Relations Committee.

Royce, as well as Blunt and Lungren, all made clear their firm opposition for any guest worker programs that resulted in citizenship for those currently in the country illegally.

It was an interesting call, with participation from many of the nation’s leading bloggers.  H/T to Tim Chapman over at Heritage for including me, and allowing me to share it with all of you!