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Jon Fleischman

Senator Dole: I will NOT send the NRSC a dime!

Today I received a fundraising letter in the mail from United States Senator Elizabeth Dole, on behalf of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, of which she is Chairman.  It took me about a minute to open the letter, take out the pre-postage-paid return envelope, and put the reply card in it, clearly labeled:  REMOVE FROM LIST.  Then I threw in an additional note that said:

Dear Senator Dole, the millions of dollars in Republican donor money that you chose to spend defending turncoat-GOPer Lincoln Chafee against a spirited PRIMARY challenge from a loyal Republican was disgraceful.  The Republican Party will never be able to achieve its policy victories if our ranks are filled with politicians who registered as an "R" but who have the values and ideology of a "D".  Yes, a more conservative Republican would have had a tougher go of it this November in a state like Rhode Island, but that is a risk we must all be willing to take.  Clearly, where Lincoln Chafee is concerned, the Republican Party would be better off if he were not in the United States Senate.

Somehow I don’t think I will hear back.  And you know what?  I bet they keep me on their fundraising list, too.  Ever try to get off of one of those things?

Anyways the point is this — at some point, there needs to be an assessment taken by the Republican Party Chiefs nationally, about the disconnect between what we, as a party, promise to achieve with a majority, and when we actually get done.  In many cases (especially on the very significant issue of federal spending), we are actually treading backwards.  We need to understand that electing a majority of registered Republicans in Congress is not the end-game for the party — it is a means to an end — which is enacting the Republican vision for America. 

If Liddy Dole understood that, she would have let Linc Chafee die on the vine.  We may or may not have saved the Rhode Island seat in the GOP column (it isn’t really in our column now!) — but the impact that Chafee’s primary loss would have had on the behavior of the other handful of Senate RINO’s (Republicans in Name Only) would have allowed us to deliver on things like making the President’s tax cuts permanent, and a whole host of other mainstream GOP issues that are languishing in the Upper Chamber.  Instead, Chafee is now a posterchild for the spoiled brat who instead of getting a spanking, gets candy.  The probem will only get worse going forward.

P.S.  Here’s what Human Events’ Online Editor Rob Bluey had to say on this.

One Response to “Senator Dole: I will NOT send the NRSC a dime!”

  1. Says:

    I feel the same way Jon. I get fundraising calls from the RNC/NRSC/NRCC all day long. If I don’t hang up on them, I end up venting and lecturing the poor soul on the other end about how I will never give any more money to the national GOP campaign arms until the border is secured, no amnesty for illegals, and they stop supporting RINOs like Lincoln Chafee over great candidates like Steve Laffey.