New House rule will ‘blow away the fog of anonymity’ on earmarks.
By Brian Bilbray for USA Today
The American people believe that the accountability and transparency they expect from their leaders have been replaced by backroom deals. The practice known as "earmarking" has fostered a system that places a premium on waste and abuse.
For far too long, earmarks were added anonymously without any debate. Special interests have too much influence in the appropriations process. Decisions were made behind closed doors and out of public view.
Last week, the House of Representatives took the first step in changing the culture that has left so many Americans disillusioned with their government. With the public demanding reform, the House adopted rule changes to the practice of earmarking that will bring more transparency to the legislative and appropriations process. For the first time, earmarks will be put in the public light where everybody will be able to see how their tax dollars are being spent.
This is the first step of many in what must be an ongoing commitment from this Congress to blow away the fog of anonymity that surrounds our governing process. If we are to make a profound and lasting change in how this institution handles the taxpayers’ dollars, then we must be willing to adopt changes that will enable us to be better stewards and more responsible to the taxpayers.
That is why I am calling on Congress to adopt a two-year budget cycle, so that election-year politics wouldn’t influence budget and appropriations decisions. I believe that decisions about the budget process should be made after elections, not before them. The American people believe their government is broken. It is up to us to repair it.
A two-year budget process would help create more oversight, accountability and transparency. The path to reform has only begun. We must have the will and commitment to restore the public’s confidence.
Rep. Brian Bilbray, R-Calif., co-sponsored the House resolution on earmarks that passed last week.