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Mike Spence

Why The Governor Made Us Do it. is place that activists can go to to get materials and data to communicate with GOP voters. They can download ten names in their area and call or walk them. The site has one page flyers on issues and candidates that can be downloaded for use.

After launching the site, we have received great feedback from activists. We’ve also got negative feedback from people that work for or with the Governor’s campaign. They all ask. Why are you doing this?

The answer is the Governor made us do it!

We have to be honest about this. The Governor’s camapign while emphasizing no new taxes is built around billions of bond debt and signing bills that appeal to tree huggers, crossdressers and the nanny staters.

This isn’t exactly a great way to  recruit GOP volunteers. The State GOP fired their church outreach person and appears to reassigned others involved. Their church outreach can only be described as pray only.

Add to that the Governor’s lack of committment to the entire GOP ticket. First the Governor refused to support Dick Mountjoy, the US Senate candidate. And according to my sources Dick Mountjoy will NOT be on any of the statewide door hangers. The party says it is because of McCain-Feingold—although they managed to do it two years ago.

Again being honest. How many photo ops of you seen of the Governor with McClintock or any one else compared to Nunez, Perata etc…? Did everyone see the nice picture of Jerry Brown and Maria Shriver in the Sacramento Bee?Read Jennifer Nelson’s plea here.

On top of that there is a debate about whether the CRP Propositions positions will be on the door hangers. This really hurts Prop 85. An initiative that motivates church people.

So if you want McClintock, Strickland, Mountjoy or Poochigian to win and  Prop. 85 to pass where do you go? If you oppose many of the things the Governor is signing. (add cell-phone bill to the list today) do you want to volunteer at an HQ that is really Arnold only? Of Course not. That’s why was created. We need to keep these volunteers engaged and working.

What I don’t understand is why anybody would be upset that we were getting people to contact Republicans and encouraging them to vote. What’s the problem with that?

2 Responses to “Why The Governor Made Us Do it.”

  1. Says:

    No problem at all, Mike. Not from where I stand.

  2. Says:

    How dare the CRA put out literature that the governor’s people don’t like. The nerve of us to try to get our base motivated to come out and vote for the great down ticket candidates. Let’s just take our ball and go home Mike. Arnold’s people know what’s best to motivate Republican volunteers.