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Jon Fleischman

Angelides’ Campaign Leaked Recording to LA Times – Ironic Situation for Susan Kennedy

This afternoon Phil Angelides’ Campaign Manager, Cathy Calfo, fessed up on behalf of Phil Angelides that their campaign was, in fact, the source of the recorded information ‘leaked’ to the Los Angeles Times.  Calfo says she neither she nor Angelides has prior knowledge that this was being done, and were not pleased.  They also acknowledge that over four hours of audio recordings were downloaded from the Governor’s website, of which only six minutes has so-far been released.

You can read more detail where I found out about this, over on Dan Weintraub’s blog.

Looks like Angelides has successfully moved the media spin away from his penchant to tax everything over to his enethical behavior.

As an aside, I wonder how it feels for Susan Kennedy, who is currently the Governor’s Chief of Staff, but who used to be Executive Director of the California Democratic Party under then-Chairman Phil Angelides, to be hit by the ‘dirty tricks squad’ that she employed against Bruce Herschensohn?  No so much fun, eh?

Calfo needs to have lunch with Kennedy and get some coaching on how to do this sort of thing more effectively.

One Response to “Angelides’ Campaign Leaked Recording to LA Times – Ironic Situation for Susan Kennedy”

  1. Says:

    If you’re gonna cheat Phil, you better not get caught. Maybe it’s time to bring back the king of dirty tricks, a one Bob Mulholland, to show your inept campaign how this type of thing is done.