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Brandon Powers

Press-Telegram Endorses Three GOP Statewides. So far…

LA. Liberal capital of SoCal. Bastion of socialism. Home of political leaders still unaware that Communism is a bad idea. The epicenter of the “liberal media.” Ya, we’re guilty of all that, and probably a whole lot more.

But every once in a while something happens out of the blue, something that makes us double take, something actually logical… and when that takes place, you know something’s afoot.

Today’s example: within the past week, the Long Beach Press-Telegram has run three editorials endorsing Tom McClintock, Steve Poizner, and Bruce McPhereson… Quite a run from the paper of record from a town as liberal as Long Beach.

And the editorials themselves, not just reluctant sign-offs.

Try these bits for example:

** "The fine working relationship between the governor and McClintock could elevate the role of lieutenant governor from a seat-warmer on state boards to that of adviser. We’re afraid that won’t happen if Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi, a Democrat, wins the slot, meaning business as usual for the No. 2 state office."

** "California will need to dial 911 and ask for psychiatric help if voters elect Poizner’s opponent, Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante, in what is shaping up to be an unusually exciting race for the usually staid office of state insurance commissioner."


"Bustamante has already proven he’d work for the insurance companies, after taking their dough and eating off their plates. Even if he returns every dime, you can’t turn a lap dog into a watchdog just because you tie him up behind a fence."

I know the Press-Telegram is better than most of the papers in LA, but it is still a cause for optimism that maybe, just maybe, the voters will see these races just as straightforward as the Editorial Board members at the P-T.

One Response to “Press-Telegram Endorses Three GOP Statewides. So far…”

  1. Says:

    Uh-oh. It looks like these candidates are doomed.

    The oft-proven conventional wisdom concerning the Sacramento Bee is that any Republican who earns their endorsement is politically dead at that point. It’s over for them; not only will they lose their elections, but they will be banished to wherever Chuck Quackenbush now resides.

    I hope that is not the case with the Long Beach Press-Telegram!