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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Worst Bills On the Governor’s Desk…

Today the FlashReport is announcing the "20 Worst of the Worst" bills produced by the ultra-liberal legislature.  These 20 bills have been placed on Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger by the Democrats, and we are calling on the Governor to veto ALL of them.

I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Republican Assemblymen Rick Keene and Chuck DeVore for doing the heavy lifting in identifying these bills, and so I would like to draw your attention to the list here.

We will be looking back at the list each day, with an eye on how the Governor is doing on our hopeful goal of a 1.000 batting average!  Right now, as of this morning, he has officially vetoed one of the bills, so it at a .05 average (he has promised to veto another, and unfortunately has promised to SIGN three of the worst of the worst into law – be we will hold out hope).

**There is more – click the link**

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8 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: The Worst Bills On the Governor’s Desk…”

  1. Says:

    The even more frightening thought is that either Davis or Angelides would sign ALL of these.

  2. Says:

    It seems likely that a “batting” average of ~.500 will likely be touted as showing that the Gov is ‘moderate’–don’t be fooled. Driving off both shoulders is not the same as driving down the middle of the road.

  3. Says:

    Lest we forget, there are a number of anti-firearms bills on his desk waiting to be signed.

    AB2714 which is Torrico’s attempt to shout ‘look at me, I’m important’ by essentially banning mail-order ammunition sales in California.

    SB59 which is Lowenthal’s play at making firearms parts = the firearm itself. It also makes it a crime to not report a crime within 5 days. Figure that one out.

    I’m sick of the leftward shift that Schwartzenegger has taken. As far as I’m concerned, there is nothing Schwartzenegger is doing to tell me he wants my vote, other than he isn’t the ultra-leftist, Angelides.

  4. Says:

    Except for the bill that would penalize driving while holding a cell phone, I agree with the Assemblymen’s assessment. Think about the need for this new law the next time you see a clueless driver talking on a cell phone while creating any number of other driving hazards.

  5. Says:

    I appreciate your comment, Mike, but studies have shown that all cell phone useage, hands-free and handheld, contribute the same to accidents. It seems that talking on a phone, in and of itself, is a distraction. I think that the wreck should be punished, not the act of talking on the cell, as some people seem to be able to drive, talk, and chew gum at the same time.

    All the best,

    Chuck DeVore
    State Assemblyman, 70th District

  6. Says:

    Thanks, Chuck. I can see that argument, but that leads me to think a ban on ALL phone talking in cars is in order, which might then be extended to ALL talking in cars, etc., which I think we can both agree would be absurd.

    I believe that the act of talking on a hand held cell phone, much like sipping from a coffee mug, limits vision and detracts, however slightly – yet crucially in some cases – from the task at hand: minding the traffic. Plus, for too many, hand held gabbing is the least of other violations – failure to signal, crossing solid lane lines, adjust driving to conditions, etc. – that accompany it; there’s recklessness and foolishness in this consistency. That’s why I think a ban on hand held phones is a sensible way to reduce hazardous behavior in a way proximately limited to its adverse effects. We need to identify bad drivers and make it worth their while to improve or get off our roads.

    Cheers and regards,

    Mike German
    San Diego Republican Party, 78th A.D. (Bonita)
    Candidate for Southwestern Community College Board of Trustees.

  7. Says:

    Well…yay ‘nanny-state’.

    Radios. Radio usage should be banned in automobiles. Come to think of it, rolling down the windows should be banned too. Looking at the instrument cluster…don’t get me started. Why, that takes the driver’s eyes off the road. The idea of banning talking in cars, well, that’s just what this state needs.

    You know, what we really need is a forward-thinking liberal…ahem…I mean, progressive, to write a bill that bans automobile usage on the public highways. Why, that’d cut down tremendously on auto accidents, don’t you think? It’d also impact fossil fuel usage, global warming, air pollution. What’s not to like?

    Go ‘nanny-state’!

  8. Says:

    At the risk of getting anyone’s nanny goat, I want to congratulate our Governor for signing the greenhouse bill. Sure, even if California’s is the world’s 8th largest economy, it MIGHT not make a difference in global environmental terms, but the POSSIBILITY that it will is enough for me.

    As for the kind of difference, it needn’t be direct; indirect will be enough. Look how CA was able to influence auto safety and emissions nationally during the late ’60s by what we’d begun earlier in that decade. To paraphrase Marilyn Quayle, “Not all of us were demonstrating in the streets and smoking pot.” Some of us, particular those of us who grew up in the heavily polluted areas that would become the Rust Belt, were painfully aware of our declining environment before it became fashionable – let alone politically correct – to be concerned over it. And we vowed not to let things go on as they had in the past, the Ann Gorsuchs and James Watts of the world notwithstanding.

    The real value of the Governor’s signature on this bill is that it will, however slightly or indirectly, influence other governments to take similar action as well. We’re already seeing this as cities around the country declare themselves dedicated to this cause; better they do that than declare themselves “sanctuaries” for this lawbreaker or that, no? I doubt if it will drive the Chinese and Indians to clean up their rapidly-expanding eco-mess overnight; we need more of an international pressure campaign to get these two pollutocrats to clean up their act. But the way has been shown and again, a California Progressive has led that way.

    So stop spinning in your graves, T.R., Hiram Johnson and other true Progressives of the past, every time some radical lefty – or sullen righty – sullies your cause’s name. Your legacy is alive and well in California and we’ll all be the better for it, in and beyond the Golden State.