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Jon Fleischman

The Worst Bills On the Governor’s Desk…

Today the FlashReport is announcing the "20 Worst of the Worst" bills produced by the ultra-liberal legislature.  These 20 bills have been placed on Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger by the Democrats, and we are calling on the Governor to veto ALL of them.

I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Republican Assemblymen Rick Keene and Chuck DeVore for doing the heavy lifting in identifying these bills, and so I would like to draw your attention to the list here.

We will be looking back at the list each day, with an eye on how the Governor is doing on our hopeful goal of a 1.000 batting average!  Right now, as of this morning, he has officially vetoed one of the bills, so it at a .05 average (he has promised to veto another, and unfortunately has promised to SIGN three of the worst of the worst into law – be we will hold out hope).

Feel free to give your comments on the Worst of the Worst below!

Also, don’t miss the outrageous story today in the Los Angeles Times.  Well, it isn’t really the story that is outrageous, it is the subject on which the story is focused…  The use by the Angelides of a public school facility for their campaign, and much worse, the use of kids in public school as ‘campaign props’ for a press event!  Don’t miss it.

Have a great day!

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