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Jon Fleischman

Angelides’ Dukakis Moment

Every flailing political campaign has a defining moment. Michael Dukakis had his death penalty question during a debate. Howard Dean had his "Yeeaaaahhh!"

And now Phil Angelides has his fainting school girl.

This is completely symbolic of the Angelides campaign: On a day that was supposed to provide a big boost for Angelides, when Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa finally swallowed the bitter pill and endorsed the Democrat candidate for Governor, Phil Angelides got caught like a deer in the headlights and was upstaged by both Villaraigosa and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom.

There were dozens of school kids who were pulled out of class and made to participate in the partisan political event by standing behind Angelides in camera-shot. And while he was speaking, one of the girls apparently fainted.

As television cameras rolled, Angelides stopped his speech and stood there dumbstruck while the two mayors and 2010 Democratic candidates for governor went to the girl’s aid.

Newsom went to check on the young girl.

Villaraigosa carried her safely off stage and out of the heat of the bright stage lights.

Angelides, meanwhile, shook hands with other students and then carried on with his speech.