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Be the candidate

At least three times in the last week I have received what sounded like the same call from a sitting city council member in three different cities.  In each case the call went something like this: "Adam, what is CANDIDATE X doing?  If he/she is going to win a seat on this council/become mayor he/she needs to start NOW!"

Point well taken.  In each case I put a call into the respective candidate who is a friend and gave them a swift kick in the rear.

The calls are illustrative of a big issue in campaigning, especially for local office.  Supporters want to see activity, action, movement and progress.  They get anxious when they see nothing happening.  As well they should.  Inaction at this hour in a campaign is inexcusable.

I say be every where and any where.   This is the time when reporters and insiders make up there mind and put candidates in a box: winner or loser.  Don’t be the latter.

As inefficient a use of your time it might seem to be, walk a few precincts with just a cheap flyer if necessary.  Show up to every community event you can.  Call 25 people today some for money, others for advise, and others asking if they will volunteer.

No matter how big your city/district all that activity in one week will be noticed.  And if it isn’t, don’t worry, you should be emailing a campaign update to everyone (you do have a well developed campaign contact database right?) you know.

Ready.  Set.  GO!

One Response to “Be the candidate”

  1. Says:

    These are scary clients too. When things start to
    go wrong, they are not going to blame themselves.
    Instead, the Fickle Finger of Fate will be pointed at
    the consultant. Been there, done That.