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Jon Fleischman

Arnold’s Moxie; Phil Angelides IS the Man on the Moon

Moxie is defined in the dictionary as,  "Aggressive energy; initiative."

Moxie is a word that I would use to describe the Schwarzenegger Campaign.  In their latest television advertisement, the Governor’s Campaign charges straight into the anemic gun-barrel of Phil Angelides. 

You can see the ad here as long as it is on the front of the Join Arnold website.
The Angelides Campaign, has completely failed to define their own candidate at all.  After having their candidate defined by Team Arnold as the man who wants to tax anything that moves to the tune of $18 billion, Angelides has been trying to shrink Schwarzenegger’s popular support by trying him to the currently-unpopular President George W. Bush.
"Where does Phil Angelides live?  All he talks about is President Bush…" opens the ad.  It goes on to talk about how the Governor has presided over prosperity in California without having raised taxes.
Moxie is taking Angelides’ ‘big issue’ (read: tired over-used theme) and shoving it back in his face.
As the ad opens, it is a large picture of the moon that greets watchers as the background voice asks, "Where does Phil Angelides live?"
Angelides (pictured above to the left) is on another planet.  And the whole "tying Schwarzenegger and Bush" theme isn’t going anywhere.  California voters are not four years old.  They understand that helping to re-elect the President during a time of war is an act of patriotism (especially when John Kerry was the alternative).  Trust me, Arnold Schwarzenegger is no George Bush- they are different in too many ways.  And you know what? Californians get that.
Lackluster is defined in the dictionary as, "Lacking brightness, luster, or vitality; dull."
That is the word I would use to describe the Angelides Campaign.

With less than three months before the general election, the campaign inexplicably has failed to air a single ad that fills in Angelides’ personal background or his professional qualifications, or that gives voters some sense of who the man is. About the only thing we know about him personally from his ads is that his three daughters profess fondness towards him.

Don’t take my word for it, that italicized paragraph is not me talking, that is a criticism heaped on Angelides today by Democrat senior strategist Garry South in the Democrats’ new blog page.
Another day closer to the election, and we still have the same match-up:  The Governor with moxie vs. the lackluster accountant.

(Shout out to KL, this one’s for you!)