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Mike Spence

One reason Conservatives SHOULD vote for Bilbray

I know there are some that will read this in disbelief. CRA has endorsed Bill Hauf in the primary for the 50th CD and I stand by that endorsement. CRA Fed Pac spent about $70,000 to stop Bilbray from getting the GOP Primary nod.
What should a conservative do in the June special election run-off? Bilbray has voted to give money to Planned Parenthood, gone to the Clinton White House to celebrate gun control and voted for bigger government spending, albeit sponsored by the so-called GOP Leadership.
Some conservatives are tempted to take a walk or vote for a third party candidate to punish the House or Bilbray for their past deeds. Believe me, I understand that sentiment.
I met with Brian Bilbray for over an hour last week and asked serious questions about his record and plans. If he wins I hope he will vote better on these and other issues.
That said.
There is one reason and one reason only for conservatives to go to the polls and vote for Bilbray. AMNESTY!
The White House, The U.S. Senate and the mass media are devoting massive amounts of pressure for the drive to legalize millions of illegal aliens that have spent time in the U.S. defrauding their neighbors. Look at the Senate Debate, where illegals are eligible for Social Security, Earned Income tax credits and other benefits the government thinks they are entitled to despite the numerous violations of law they’ve committed.
The only thing that stands in the way of adding millions of illegals to our voting and welfare rolls is the House of Representatives. Bilbray is a solid leader on this issue and we can’t afford to have someone like Busby add her vote to this amnesty scheme.
Conservatives must to vote for Bilbray and pray the House stands up to the pressure being brought against them. Our Nation’s future depends on it.

2 Responses to “One reason Conservatives SHOULD vote for Bilbray”

  1. Says:


  2. Says:

    as if Bilbray isn’t likely to cave in to pressure from the white house and leadership. we’re circling the drain folks.