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I started naming my posts song titles because I’m not a prolific writer, I’m not terribly smart, and music titles gave me lee way to think up crap to write….so  when someone sent me the piece of trash that attacked Tom Berryhill, I thought of the New York Dolls (loved em) because of their song Trash (hated it).

You see, my friend Tom Berryhill nearly died due to heart disease.  I wrote about it months ago detailing his long way to the top, hell I even cried writing it because of what Tom’s family went through waiting for the heart transplant. Tom and his familiy are heros in my book .

But now.  Now his lame-ass opponent seems to think that the electorate will be moved by a piece of mail scaring them into thinking Tom’s heart is going to fail.  It’s pure trash.  Bill Conrad is clearly a desperate guy to sink to this level.  Hey dude, unlike my crappy blogging, I do know how to write an eviscerating mail piece, but to be sure Conrad ensured his own defeat with this piece. 

I won’t show you the piece.  It’s too lame and doesn’t deserved a bit of space.  But here’s what the Stockton Record said about the piece.  Conrad defended his piece by saying ""That to me seems like it is an issue. … I think the general public has a right to know".

No….the general public needs to know that Bill Conrad supports higher gas taxes.  Read what the Modesto Bee said about that.

I’m off to puke…and to send Tom $100 bucks.

6 Responses to “Trash”

  1. Says:

    After witnessing the low-life
    campaign Berryhill ran against
    Congressman Dennis Cardoza I’m surprised he has a heart.

  2. Says:

    now now mr cavala…hope that wasn’t written on a state computer.

  3. Says:

    No, Joe. Dr. Cavala is retired. We are currently conducting a search to find his undisclosed location. Rumor is he is seeking to replace Mulholland. A refined version of a mad dog.

  4. Says:

    For those who may wonder …

    The reference is to the ultra-close 1996 Assembly race between Dennis
    Cardoza and Tom Berryhill (son of the legendary Sen. Clair Berryhill).

    Cardoza won by 89 votes (!) … 46,638 to 46,549.

    During the race, Cardoza slammed Berryhill about alleged past business
    setbacks. Berryhill dinged Cardoza about a bar he owned, alleging police
    often broke up fights there, and it was home to dances by nude females (!).

    Anyway … that someone is STILL bitter, a decade later, over pattycake
    criticisms like these says more about that person than about the election.

    As they say in Poland, “Sto Lot” … may Tom Berryhill live 100 years.

  5. Says:

    For the whole story on Tom Berryhill go to:

  6. Says:

    That sounds like a VERY objective source !