After a long city council meeting 4 of the 5 members of the West Covina City Council and the City Manager were looking to relax and get something to eat. They innocently traveled 20 minutes away to the Dal Rae in Pico Riveria.
I should note that I know the W.C. council pretty well and would never disparage them.
Now they are being accused of violating the Brown Act. See article here.
No need to worry. They took the City Attorney along. Councilwomen Shelley Sanderson explains;
"Sanderson said Alvarez-Glasman was at the dinner to make sure the members did not discuss city business."
Hats off to the City Attoney for spending his free time (unless his services end up in the bill) as chaperone. If more Council’s would do the same thing these problems just wouldn’t come up.
Memo to West Covina Chamber: You really need to work on the Shop West Covina campaign.