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Jennifer Nelson

Rain on Jerry Brown’s Parade

I was going to blog today on the fact that my hometown mayor, the guy with the huge name ID numbers in all of the polls, couldn’t get his party’s endorsement over the LA City Attorney whose name nobody outside of Los Angeles seems to know.  But then I got the following e-mail from the Poochigian campaign that said exactly what I wanted to say, but better:

For Jerry: A Rainy Weekend in Sac-Town

There wasn’t a cloud in the sky in Sacramento this weekend, but boy did it rain on Jerry Brown’s parade.  Looking for a dignified coronation at the Democrat Convention, Oakland‘s princeling was given the royal Bronx cheer instead — by a party questioning whether the eccentric uncle who presides over the least safe city in California has the temperament or the chops to be California‘s "Top Cop." 

The fact that Phil Angelides, like Jerry a former State Democrat Party Chair, walked away with an endorsement handily — even though he is trailing by double-digits in the latest polls — has to be all the more insulting.  Jerry’s name ID has him far ahead of his Dem primary opponent, but it wasn’t enough to convince the Party faithful to endorse him.  Maybe these delegates realize that with all of the baggage Jerry Brown drags with him, he’s either too vulnerable as a general election candidate or not suited to be the state’s chief law enforcement official.

On Sunday, the Sacramento Bee editorialized that Brown’s opponent, Rocky Delgadillo, is "a better choice for Democrats with an eye on the future."  In spite of Jerry’s best efforts to get everyone to "forget everything I said" back then, it’s clear his past is coming back to haunt him.

(Don’t you love the picture?  Apparently, he couldn’t get anyone else to parade around the Dem convention holding his campaign signs–he had to do it himself!!  And no one seems to be paying any attention!)

One Response to “Rain on Jerry Brown’s Parade”

  1. Says:

    Just because that photo makes him look like a confused drugged out homeless person holding an “I will be AG for Food” sign ,does not make him a bad candidate for the Dems to nominate.