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Jon Fleischman

And the winner of the ‘sloppy’ candidate award is…Francine Busby

Democrat candidate used government resources to promote campaign for Congress

SACRAMENTO – Today, March 16, 2006, the San Diego County Republican Central Committee and the California Republican Party (CRP), sent an ethics complaint to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), the California Attorney General, and the San Diego District Attorney against Francine Busby, a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in California’s 50th Congressional District in San Diego County.

The ethics complaint alleges that Busby used and is using state government resources and receipt of corporate in-kind contributions to promote her campaign.  Busby, who is a professor at California State San Marcos, promotes her candidacy on her California State University, San Marcos website.

Busby, who has made ethics a centerpiece of her campaign, has yet to comment on the complaint, which was received by the FEC at 2:00 pm today in Washington.  A violation potentially puts the tax status of the university in jeopardy.

“Francine Busby misused government property to further her personal political ambitions,” said Duf Sundheim, Chairman of the CRP. “This is especially shameful because it was committed by someone we trusted to teach our children.  Such conduct should not be tolerated in our schools, much less in someone who is seeking to become a member of highest legislative body in the country.  When is it comes to ethics, Ms. Busby has earned an “F””.

Be sure to check out the attachment below…

One Response to “And the winner of the ‘sloppy’ candidate award is…Francine Busby”

  1. Says:

    Ya she’s sloppy. For privacy and security reasons you should add an index.html/htm or a dummy index.html/htm page to all directories not meant to be browsed, as obviously this one wasn’t meant to be.

    Also I think the link which ends with!.webloc is actually a Mac OS “favorite places” type deal. Not really a file, but for quick access to another file. In this case one of her political websites.