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Jon Fleischman

Gary Mendoza stands down – Poizner walks into GOP nomination…

Republicans looking to choose between multiple candidates in a race are going to have to look elsewhere than the Insurance Commissioner’s seat.  Six months ago, there was a spirited three-way primary going on between Dr. Phil Kurnzer, wealthy businessman Steve Poizner, and attorney Gary Mendoza.  In the intervening months, Poizner’s campaign has been in high-gear, raising tons of cash, and amassing lots of endorsements.  Most recently, last weekend, the endorsement of the conservative California Republican Assembly.

In the meantime, a couple of weeks ago, Dr. Phil hung it up, announcing that he was not longer a candidate.  Today, I heard from Gary Mendoza’s campaign — he, too, has decided not to run.  Mendoza’s departure, while not unexpected, is an example of another great guy who won’t be on the ballot.  I’ve known Gary since our mutual involvement in former-Congressman, now SEC Chairman Chris Cox’s first Congressional campaign back in 1988.  Gary held up the GOP banner as the nominee for Insurance Commissioner in 2002 — but was not able to win.  Anyways, I am sure we’ll see more from Gary down the road…

For now, though, it means that Poizner will be focusing his sights on none other than Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamonte, whom he will face in November.  That’s a pretty easy choice for virtually every Californian!  GO STEVE!