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Jon Fleischman

Strickland hosed

Elton Gallegly can chuckle over a beer tonight at his apparently successful effort to thwart our representative democracy. Despite a last minute scramble by Strickland and his supporters to get him filed – there was not enough time. So on the ballot is Gallegly (who has filed but announced he is retiring and will not be waging any campaign) and some obscure fellow named Tannenbaum. Strickland has a few days to consider whether he will try to mount a write-in effort, or keep his eye on the State Controller’s seat. In the meantime, if anyone sees Elton Gallegly around town, avert your glance. He has brought shame on himself and the GOP today…

One Response to “Strickland hosed”

  1. Says:

    Jon: Do we know for sure that Mr. Tannenbaum actually filed? His name does not appear on the Secretary of State website of candidates for that office.