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Jon Fleischman

Gallegly: LOSER

I can’t imagine a worse way to end a career in Congress than pulling the manuever that Elton Gallegly has in Ventura County today…and it might work…but probably not.

Apparently unlike State Legislative seats, filing does not extend if an incumbent doesn’t file (FR friend and political law expert Chuck Bell verified this for me). Gallegly, by waiting until two hours before the close of filing on the last day to file to announce his plans is really trying to stick it to former Assemblyman Tony Strickland.

Right now, Strickland has dozens of volunteers converging on the Registrar’s office to sign nomination docs in time for him to file for Congress.

Shame on Gallegly for this kind of street he like four years old? Even the often-immature Bill Thomas retired with a week to give other candidates time to file…