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Jon Fleischman

CRA Early Returns

ENDORSED… Lt. Gov: McClintock SoS: McPherson Treas: Parrish AG: Poochigian Ins. Comm: Poizner Controller: Strickland SPI: Diane Lenning BOE 2: Leonard BOE 4: Forsch

NOT ENDORSED… The CRA did not endorse the Governor, nor did they endorse between Ray Haynes or Michelle Steel in BOE 3.

Word is that there was a move to co-endorse Arnold/Tom/Dick that fell just short of the 2/3.

4 Responses to “CRA Early Returns”

  1. Says:

    “Strain a gnat, swallow a camel”…get ready for more conservative ballot apathy come November.

  2. Says:

    I realize that the main focus was whether or not 2/3 of the delegates were going to endorse the ticket. Believe me it was. However, I was taken aback by the Board of Equilization Fight between supporters of Ray Haynes and Michelle Steel.

    I almost had to break up a fight between the head of the Murrieta/Temucula Republican Assembly Unit and the head of YAF. The Murrieta/Temucula unit head was calling the YAF guy a liar and was quite upsset. He even attempted to change the rules so Haynes could be approved by a majority vote.

  3. Says:

    I realize that the main focus was whether or not 2/3 of the delegates were going to endorse the ticket. Believe me it was. However, I was taken aback by the Board of Equilization Fight between supporters of Ray Haynes and Michelle Steel.

    I almost had to break up a fight between the head of the Murrieta/Temucula Republican Assembly Unit and the head of YAF. The Murrieta/Temucula unit head was calling the YAF guy a liar and was quite upsset. He even attempted to change the rules so Haynes could be approved by a majority vote.

  4. Says:

    Actually, the motion was not to have a majority vote, but to have a fifth vote on the endorsement.