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Jon Fleischman

Legislators Participating In Hawaii Junket Show Poor Judgement

No matter who you talk to everyone agrees — California’s finances are totally screwed up.  Whether you are on the ideological left, fretting over what the sour economy means for social spending, or on the right, concerned about how the private sector will recover without regulatory relief from onerous state regulations and taxes –there is consensus around the idea that state government is in turmoil. 

In the private sector, unemployment in California is in double-digits. A lot of people are out of work, and many others are taking big pay cuts.  In the public sector, we are seeing workers furloughed and increasing pressure to reduce the size of the state workforce.

So you have to wonder, with this as the backdrop, what decision-making process goes through the mind of dozens of legislators who have gone off to Kauai and Maui for a pair of "conferences" at resort hotels, with their expenses being paid for by either "non-profits" funded by big businesses or state employee unions — or else paid for our of their personal campaign funds (which are, in almost every case, also heavily padded by the aforementioned big businesses or state employee unions).

I am not asserting that there is anything illegal about these trips or how they are financed.  But I will say there seems to be some insensitivity and tone deafness to participating in such events at this time. 

Everyone in the "real world" has to make very real decisions about what they are going to sacrifice from their family budget to afford a vacation like that.  It is perhaps indicative of the Fantasyland that is the California State Capitol that legislators can enjoy a vacation conference at one of the world’s most luxurious resorts with no impact on their own personal budget.

Prospectively, we would encourage public officials to beg off of these kinds "sponsored" luxury trips in the future.  They only serve to reinforce a disconnect between everyday people and their elected officials.

There is also a fundamental disservice done to the majority of legislators who did not participate, as the shroud of secrecy and non-reporting leaves the curious constituent wondering if their representatives were enjoying "free" fruity drinks in the tropics, or not.

(The photo above is of the Fairmont Kea Lani resort in Maui.  One of two tropical locations for the "working conference" attended by legislators, lobbyists and more…)

16 Responses to “Legislators Participating In Hawaii Junket Show Poor Judgement”

  1. Says:

    Nothing changes….the time has come for a massive tea party organization just for California….but I doubt lap dog web sites and newspapers will join in to save a once great state….this is pathetic beyond belief….

  2. Says:

    For crying out loud – at least put some names on this public spanking.

    A sampling of calls by The Bee to the Kea Lani found rooms registered to Assembly members Isadore Hall, D-Compton, and Cameron Smyth, R-Santa Clarita; and incoming or incumbent Sens. Bill Emmerson, R-Hemet; Tony Strickland, R-Moorpark; Ron Calderon, D-Montebello; Rod Wright, D-Inglewood; Juan Vargas, D-San Diego; Noreen Evans, D-Santa Rosa; and Tom Berryhill, R-Modesto.

    Read more:

  3. Says:

    Do you think for one moment that Pols who would run up an admitted deficit of $24B and probably closer to $100B care what the public thinks? Think again.

    These are people devoted to Public Service.

  4. Says:

    More disclosure is needed. What are the names of the nonprofits and who are on their Boards of Directors? When you shake that out and start looking at the Form 990s on, one learns that in the past, these nonprofits are thinly veiled conduits for union and corporate funds to influence the legislators, and that legislators and former legislator’s spouses in addition get paid big buck to “fundraise” for these junkets. I agree with Katie, outing that info would be really of interest.

  5. Says:

    Where or where are those RINOS, the socially moderate Republicans, the so called fiscal hawks, the up and coming generic want-ta-bees looking for name recognition concerning this serious waste of precious funds on junkets, patronage and the usual graft and corruption in the legislature….

    It sickens one reading Flash Report nonsensical articles provided by perennial losers…how bout for a change exposing corruption up close and personal like this one article….and not aspire to be part of Gomorrah….

  6. Says:

    Jim Lacy:

    The Sacramento Bee story by Jim Sanders names some of those helping to
    underwrite the sponsoring CA-IVP organization:

    “22 legislators — including Assembly Speaker John A. Perez, D-Los Angeles
    — are among nearly 175 people at the Maui conference, which includes lobby-
    ists and corporate officials from CAIVP’s contributors, Peace said.

    Participants include the California Correctional Peace Officers Association,
    Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas and Electric Co., pharmaceutical
    companies, and the California Manufacturers and Technology Association,
    he said.”

  7. Says:

    Goodness, Jon. Did the old green eyed monster get you today? Are you green with envy because you weren’t asked to join in and go to one of these conferences? The tone of your posting makes me think you really really wanted to go to Hawaii.

  8. Says:

    These clowns who supposedly represent California should hold their conferences in California. There are plenty of resorts that employ Californians that could use the business.

  9. Says:

    Bob Evans even you must see that spending and spending only leads to a fiscal disaster….

    Come on….fess up…..are you part of the solution…we are all Californians not peasants and lackeys of the STATE!!!!

  10. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    How many FR superstars were on the trip?

  11. Says:

    Ken…..dead silence….wonder why????

  12. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Maui is nice. I prefer hanging out down on the far Southwest corner at Big Beach and Little Beach. No one offered to pay for me to go so I had to save up the money. I sold a coule big homes here in Lake Arrowhead so I had a few bucks for the trip. On a budget so I got my groceries at Costco and cooked my own food inside the unit that had a kitchen.

    I imagine that when I am in Congress after beating Jerry Lewis, I will be able to go to Hawaii again but expect to have to pay for it myself.

  13. Says:

    I thought Bosich was an “FR Superstar”.

    Care to define your terms, gentlemen ?

  14. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    FR Superstars are the preffered politicians who get favorable exposure and pieces published.

    The opponents of FR Superstars get their dirty laundry aired at no charge.

    However, FR has a solid conservative bias which I like because I am a comonsense conservative.

    Lets just say it is better to be a friend of FR and a friend of FR’s friends if you know what is good for you.

    I like many of Bosich’s postings because they challenge the integrity of what people are doing and saying which is always good even if they find you guilty once in a while.

    Even though there is some bias and manipultion that comes through from time to time, FR is the best of all similar formats with some of the best and most insightful peices coming from the purveyor of FR himself.

    A very good blog/news/commentary site that focuses on California news mostly. Even though many of the readers and commentators do not agree and are mostly pussifeid armchair subversives, I love them all.

    As California goes down the toilet, at least FR readers know what is coming and are well prepared the yell, “Yippie” as the flushing sound begins.

  15. Says:

    James Sills…..I shill for nobody, no wash purple t-shirts, long time independant, retired small business owner….no superstar status and never groupie with RINOS, conservatives, liberals, T-Party Types or any other organized group. Have been to the islands a few times though….on my tab!!!!

  16. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Maui is the best!