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James V. Lacy

Pre-election Potpourri

In no particular order: I’m gratified the SF Giants beat the Phillies tonight, especially because as a result I won a 6-1 bet placed legally at the sports book at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas four months ago, when tonight reliever Brian Wilson earned a questionable called strike three to get the save tonight and win the pennant. I’ll use the $600 I won right after the election to entertain conservative cronies at The Foundation Room in Vegas at an after election dinner. Our Western CPAC was a huge success last weekend in Newport Beach, and main speaker, pollster Scott Rasmussen, got us two days of national press on The Drudge Report with his prediction of over 50 Republican pickups in the Congress. Thanks to Newport Beach Councilman Keith Curry for stopping by, who joined six Congressmen – five from Ca and one from Utah! Special thanks to Jon Fleischman and my long time friend Congressman Darrell Issa for much suport and a great speech from Issa! I enjoyed a 12 minute shot on the KTTV Channel 11 news last Saturday night after Western CPAC, debating liberal Jamie Court on the Insurance Commissioner election. So cool to level liberals.