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Ray Haynes

Ich bin ein Tea Partier

Am I the only one who has noticed that the only Republicans with the "cojones" to stand up to the Democrats are the women in the conservative movement?  Even conservative men seem to be a little meek these days, with many of them running for the hills every time the Republican establishment announces that this race or that has to have a "moderate" Republican carrying the Republican banner in November.  Conservative women say no, and fight the establishment to advance the movement.  Thank you Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Christine O’Donnell. 

I find it really ironic that many in the Republican establishment, not that long ago, were telling us conservatives that we were too "white" too "male" and too focused on the "social issues" to win in November.  The Tea Party movement has been established, energized, and fought to defend the Constitution and has emphasized strict "fiscal" conservatism.  Now we are being told that this emphasis on "fiscal" issues makes one too conservative to "win in November."  Oh, and by the way, it is being advanced by a woman who we know just can’t win, say our more moderate friends.


Wait a minute, are we too white too male and too focused on social issues?  Or are we too female and too focused on fiscal conservatism?  Or maybe we are just too focused on small government, less taxes, more liberty, and preserving the American traditions that have so dramatically changed the face of government on this earth.

The great thing about the Tea Party movement is that they have exposed the truth of our more moderate Republican brethren–those self-described really dislike conservatives, social or fiscal, male or female, white, black or Hispanic.  They dislike the Constitutionalist who would destroy the power of government, not just move it from Democrats to some big government Republican.

I have often believed that our Republican friends who described themselves as "moderate on the social issues and conservative on the fiscal issues" were really neither.  They were liberal on the social issues and moderately liberal on the fiscal issues.  Those policies cost Republicans control of Congress in 2006, and regaining that power without removing those whose pursuit of personal power has brought havoc to Republican policies in Washington would be an exercise in futility.  In other words, why give Republicans power if the only reasons Republicans have power is so that Republicans can grow government instead of Democrats?

So I say this–My hats off to the Tea Party.  They have beheld the wall of big government, and they have said no more.  More important than that, they don’t care whose toes get stomped on, they are going to tear down that wall.  I declare that today "Ich bin ein Tea Partier" and I say to the Republican Leadership in Washington and in Sacramento, if you are a believer in small government and less taxes, if you are a believer in the Constitution and the liberty that our founding fathers found so dear, if you are a believer in the American form of government that has so profoundly changed government in this world, then Mr. Republican leader reject liberalism no matter where it is found, in Republicans or in Democrats, Mr. Republican leader confront the wall of big government, and Mr. Republican leader, TEAR DOWN THAT WALL!!!!

That is why I joined the Republican Party, that is what I expect from the Republican Leaders, and I congratulate the Tea Party activists for scaring the you know what out of the Republican leaders for not doing what they said they would do.  Those activists deserve our thanks, because they are truly working to preserve what is left of this great country.

4 Responses to “Ich bin ein Tea Partier”

  1. Says:

    It has only started…next topic…cleaning out bloated and unjustly paid political operatives who continually recruit big money, cocktail party loving RINOS….they deserve scarlet letters for ruining California.

  2. Says:

    There were a lot of conservatives around the country – people who went full-bore for Rubio, Toomey, Angle, etc. – who opposed Christine O’Donnell, not because she’s conservative or female, but because she’s in Delecia Holt territory.

  3. Says:

    Nick – in case you have not noticed, Christine O’Donnell’s democrat opponent is a Marxist!

  4. Says:

    Thanks for a great article as always Ray!